Brave Healers



    Artist Jeanne Ciampa
Brave Healers of the 20th Century

About ten years ago I was given a gift I did not fully understand. It came as a series of accidents and deaths. At the time I felt as if I was being punished for some unknown crime but it turned out to be a gift for clairvoyance, and healing. I have had to defend my position so many times and I have found no one explains this phenomenon better than physicist and healer Barbara Brennan a respected scientist, Edgar Cayce and his wonderful foundation The Association for Research and Enlightenment and of course the formidable Carl Jung. At present I am compiling a list of all of the wonderful authors an healers who are helping the human spirit to evolve.

Because really nature has shown us. What does not evolve will make itself obsolete. Stay Tuned for a page dedicated to all the marvelous and brave healers of the 20th Century!
Barbara Brennan - Path of the Healer
... Barbara Brennan is a healer, therapist and scientist who has devoted more than twenty years to research and exploration of the human energy field. ...
CARL JUNG. 1875 - 1961. Dr. C. George Boeree. ... A younger colleague of his, Carl Jung, was to make the exploration of this "inner space" his life's work. ... Jung Page
... Luisetta Mudie asked him about the view from the other side. Fundación Carl G. Jung de España (Spain). Written by Donald Williams, ...   Carl Jung...
Jung in Contexts, ed. by Paul Bishop (1999); Carl Jung: Wounded Healer of the Soul by Clare Dunne (2000) - see also The World Is Made of Glass by Morris L. West ...
Carl Jung (1875-1961), synchronicity & the collective unconscious. ... Noll, Richard. The Aryan Christ : The Secret Life of Carl Jung (Random House, 1997). ...
Jung's Archetypes
Common. Back, Archetypes As Defined By Carl Jung. The Nature of the Archetypes. The Archetypal Patterns. ...
Carl Jung Quotes - The Quotations Page
Quotations by Author. Carl Jung (1875 - 1961) Swiss psychologist [more author details]. ... 23 Quotations in other collections - Search for Carl Jung at ...
Carl Jung and the Mandala
... Carl Jung Links. CG Jung Dream Quotes - 8th Eighth World Dreams - 8th. I Ching " . . . ... Carl Jung: Anthology of Work. JungWeb at ... 
Carl Jung - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Carl Jung. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jungsm.jpg. ... Conversations with Carl Jung and reactions from Ernest Jones. New York: Van Nostrand. ...    Carl Jung and the Kundalini
One enduring statement that CG Jung made late in life about not having to be a Jungian reveals much of his attitude towards the psyche. ...   TCG's Jung Page
Carl Gustav JUNG. PAGE. ... . --"with a focus on the Carl Jung-Joseph Campbell connection, and the use of mythic stories to access the unconscious". ... Official site of Edgar Cayce's ARE - Association for Research and ...
... Date: June 24, 2004. Association for Research & Enlightenment 215 67th Street, Virginia Beach VA 23451 - Phone 1-800-333-4499 ® ARE 2002 , Inc. ... Millions of people have had a near-death experience. The vast majority of them are never published in a book or on a website. This web page is devoted to you, the visitor to this website, who had a near-death experience and wants the world to know about it.  This links NDE testimonials resulting from a brush with death. .. Roger Woolger’s Website..
Click here to read a review of Roger Woolger's book Other Lives, Other Selves. ... 
Children's Past Lives Dr. Roger Woolger interview
.... Dr. Woolger is a leading theorist and practitioner of past life therapy. ... PSYCHOTHERAPIST Roger Woolger is working with a patient. ...   Roger Woolger review
Review: Other Lives, Other Selves by Roger Woolger, Ph.D. This is an advanced treatment of the subject of past-life therapy from a Jungian perspective. ...
Roger Woolger is a psychotherapist who helps people experience painful events from their past lives to unblock the ...
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Rosemary Altea's Evening in Manchester, Vermont
... Rosemary Altea Talks to the Dead. Manchester, Vermont. ... Rosemary Altea seemed to be the most knowledgeable and compassionate person who I may be able to approach. ... author_xml.asp?authorid=15319
Rosemary Altea - HarperCollins
Rosemary Altea - <P>Rosemary Altea, an internationally renowned spiritual medium and healer, has been featured on <I>The Oprah Winfrey Show</I> and<I> Larry ...
Author Rosemary Altea is an internationally renowned psychic medium. ... The mother of one daughter, Rosemary Altea lives in the north of England. ...  Rosemary Altea
Carol Adrienne, author of The Purpose of Your Life "Rosemary Altea is not only a gifted medium and healer but a master teacher as well. ...
Spirit Online  ... Some researchers like Dr. Raymond Moody have published lists ... In NDEs (Near Death Experiences) one of the first things the experiencer notices is being ... Dr. Moody recorded and compared the ... His research describes the results of decades of inquiry into the near death experience. ...
Books: Blessing in Disguise: Another Side of the Near ...
... down, like some of the books by Moody and Ring. ... of you will be surprised to know that Dr. Rommer died ... Comments from a near-death researcher with over 23 yrs exp ...
Grief and Loss Links to the World Wide Web
... Near Death Experiences NIC - alt.consciousness.near-death-exp Survivors of the Shoah - Virtual History Foundation Theater of the Mind - Dr Raymond Moody [NDE]. ...

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